It’s been a minute since I’ve shared anything here. With all that has gone on in the world over the past few months, I took some time away from social media. I, like many, have been trying to use my extra time during quarantine to reflect. I am reading more and doing research to better educate myself on some of the daunting issues our world is facing. It felt silly to pop on here last month just to share some pretty pictures when far more important topics have needed to be addressed.

Although remembering that when I feel lost or sad painting is what I have and social media/blogging is a positive way for me to connect during this time of isolation. Creating helps me stay positive and it makes me feel good to finish a project! That being said… I began working on a mural in our spare room, just because I needed an outlet during so much time stuck at home. Last month I moved out of my studio space downtown and back into our house. What was once our spare room that I planned on sprucing up for guests down the road, is now my home office. I’m glad I took on this mural project because now I am sitting in here looking at it everyday! When I had friends over, they said that the flowers were much bigger than they realized from photos so I made Blade pose for scale 🙂

Hope you all are staying well and hanging in there xx