I can’t believe how fast this year is flying by. It’s a little sad! We have been very caught up in moving (selling our cute little bungalow and shopping for a new home) so that has accounted for my absence these past two months. I have more to share on that soon. Aside from just generally being overwhelmed by the events of this year, moving was/is stressful and having some downtown to “unplug” has been nice. I have been limiting my time on social media, while I feel it is important for me to post daily with shop updates, I’ve lessened my scrolling and time spent looking at posts. 10/10 highly recommend 😉
October-December are my favorite months and I am getting so excited to launch some new things for the holidays. This year I worked on a batch of painted pumpkins, I didn’t even have a chance to post them here because they sold out on Etsy within 13 minutes. I can’t even believe it. I was so excited at the response! Not everyone who wanted one was able to snag them during our launch and I’m so sorry for that. I can’t wait to start early next year and (hopefully) have wayyyy more available! It was hard to find the right kind of faux pumpkins to paint and when I start gathering this past month, most places had begun setting up Christmas…which I’m totally okay with 🙂 But it just made snagging some last minute pumpkins more difficult! Anyways, I had so much fun with these. It’s always special to offer something one of a kind. Painted ornaments for Christmas are up next!
In my downtime, I’m starting to draw and gather inspiration for all things new home. My mind is swirling with ideas. I love to have a plan and time to think about important purchases and updates. So this transition time staying ay my parents has allowed me to do just that. I can’t wait to start sharing some more details about the move. Interior Design and decorating are so fun for me, just to have a creative outlet that is not painting! While I am no expert, I love to collect and curate and style things just so. My mom has even let me help organize and decorate for holidays while we’re here to satisfy my need to rearrange, ha.
Last but not least, I started a vintage shop on Etsy! This is just a little side hustle as I have always been a vintage collector and enjoy the hunt of thrifting. With business on the wedding side being slower this year due to covid, I have been able to allow myself to do something just for fun. Again, due to our moving transition, I’m just not able to keep all of my finds right now so I thought what better than to offer them to the world on Etsy 🙂 You can check it out here. I plan to keep posting new items as long as I can keep up and definitely through our home buying/decorating process.
Thanks for popping by. I am excited to share all things home and holiday shopping in the coming weeks. Hope you all are hanging in there and as always, I so appreciate you reading and commenting!