Well it’s taken me almost all month to finally sit down and write this but I wanted to do a beginning of the year pop in to say hey. We ended 2023 with our busiest month of the year. I have always loved the hustle and bustle of the holiday season (both in my personal and work life). I go all out decorating our house in November which has become an even bigger deal now that my son has become fascinated with the magic of holidays. I can’t wait to see the joy and magic in his eyes as he gets a little older and understands it all even more. I love getting dressed up for parties with friends, Christmas Eve service and our family holiday party that is quickly becoming an annual tradition. Shrimp and grits on Christmas Eve complete with charcuterie and a hot chocolate bar has become our thing. Then there were all of the holiday markets we attended for work and so many custom orders. This year I really enjoyed offering pet portrait ornaments. They were a big hit and you guys kept me shipping things all month long, for which I am so grateful. Our family photos were taken by the incredibly talented Everence Photography and they are soooo special to me. Jessica captured Z in all of his chaotic toddler silliness. We brought Fendi this year, she’s 16 now, a special part of our family and I want Z to always remember how much she meant to him in these early years. And of course our big goof, Blade who is almost 8 now.
We had a relaxed New Years Eve with close friends while Z spent the night with my parents. It was honestly the perfect start to the New Year with a slow first week while Z was out of preschool for Christmas break. He is a busy, adventurous little boy (at 22 months old) so I can’t get a lot done when he is home but I enjoyed relaxing and lots of play time with him. Last week really felt like my new year, when he went back to school I started making my lists of goals and things I want to work on for my business this year. Now this week I am right back into designing new things for the upcoming holidays and beyond! I find that a ‘to do’ list of sorts is much more productive for me than New Years resolutions. That seems to be a thing of the past now.
In the studio – one thing that has been on my mind all of last year is carving out more time to focus more on original pieces. I have always admired how other fine artists release their work as collections throughout the year. I’m inspired to do the same and have begun sketching and brainstorming like crazy. I am starting to work on all of the spring holidays for my stationery line. Easter, Mothers Day and Fathers Day! I have several exciting weddings coming up and I can’t wait to share the custom work we’ve created for them. I had a meeting Friday for a clients wedding in Belize that I am super excited about getting started on. So much to look forward to. I’m putting my mind to a productive year, growing my business and saying yes to the things that truly fulfill me as an artist. It has taken a long time to be okay with the No’s but I find I work so much better and am overall much happier when I feel passionately about each project. Ever since Z entered the chat, my time feels that much more valuable. I am very grateful to choose the projects I want to work on these days. I really cannot believe that 2024 is my 14th year working for myself! I feel very blessed for my amazing community…customers and custom clients, my family and friends who have supported me all of these years. Every little sale means so much to me and allows me to continue doing what I love and helping to support my family and our dreams.
From the bottom of my heart, I am so thankful you are here. Cheers to an AMAZING 2024!