As we near the final steps of our kitchen renovation, I thought I would share some of the things that inspired me in how I designed it. It was in major need of updating and a few repairs. I wanted to incorporate the eclectic, boho style of the rest of our home while adding in some modern touches. Keeping our 1920’s farm house sink was a must so we built everything around that. It is so heavy it was literally shifting the countertop and cracking the old tile, so this was necessary to replace. We decided on a beautiful quartz countertop, that black and white patterned tile above for the back splash, with brass, copper, and wood accents. Open shelving has been my dream and I can’t wait to decorate with all of my vintage copper and LOTS of hanging plants and herbs! My grandfather and boyfriend have been doing the whole renovation themselves! I can’t wait to share before and after photos (aren’t they always so fun?) of this major update, along with some of our DIY’s and budget friendly choices. I also can’t wait to not have everything that belongs in my kitchen on top of the dining room table anymore, ha. Stay tuned!
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