We spent Memorial Day weekend (and some) at my grandparents house. They live in a tiny town in South Carolina where my grandmother grew up. I love visiting, as it’s always relaxing, slow, and quiet there. No wifi, barely any phone service, the woods, and farm animals. love. Greenville, South Carolina is only about an hour away, we usually will spend a day there when we go. Main Street in Greenville is filled with fun little shops and restaurants that we always love visiting. Although, we seem to return to Tupelo Honey to dine each time because it’s just so darn good there.
I take similar photos each time we visit, although depending on the season they always feel different. New plants and flowers in bloom, new baby animals born, a new area in the woods to explore…
I’m having a bit of a hard time jumping back into the week after a long weekend! Although I’ve wrapped up a few huge projects this week and last, now I am looking forward to another weekend away in Orlando. West Elm is hosting me and some other makers at their store on Conroy Road! If you are in the Orlando area please stop by and say hello. The event is Saturday May 30th from 12pm-4pm.