Some scenes from my weekend : 
1. painting special projects with Camilyn Beth  // 2. My greeting card collection in progress and another recent crest design // 3. Dinner and drinks at Social in Sarasota on Saturday night // 4. My new “bye” clutch that really makes me laugh and this long sleeve maxi dress from H&M that I could literally wear everyday // 5. My paint palette after a couple weeks, I love how they look // 5.  My gardenias are blooming! I love wrapping presents with something “live” on them, I snipped some leafs for my friends bridal shower gift (which was on Sunday) 
This was definitely a packed weekend, one of the first ones in awhile that I didn’t have a shoot or wedding though.  It was fun to visit with friends, do a little shopping, eat good food and drink some craft cocktails and beer.  Plus get a little painting and editing done in between. 
It will probably be a little quite around here this week, we are going to visit my grandparents tomorrow in South Carolina for several days.  I always love being at their place and never mind a good road trip.  The scenery is so beautiful where they live, I’ll surely be posting on instagram while I’m away.  When I return, I’m gearing for a fun event and working hard to finalize my new stationery collection.  Lots to share soon! Have a great week. 

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