(the pretty street our hotel was on)

(expressos on the cute patio at our hotel)

(the rooftop of our hotel)

 (fun street art everywhere!)

Our first day / night in Argentina was mostly spent in Palermo soho.  After an overnight flight from Miami, we were quite exhausted upon arrival at 8am.  However, once we settled in to our hotel, we set back out to explore since we just had one night in this area.  We were close to cute shopping, really good restaurants, and a small open air market.  It was scorching hot and we were in much need of gelato by the end of the day (we got addicted during our stay).   At night we ate dinner at a jazz club and watched a great band perform.  Maybe one of my favorite meals; a roasted veggie, eggplant, and goat cheese flat bread.  Amazing.  We turned in early to hop on our next flight early in the morning.  We really liked this cute area and ended up returning to the market to buy some gifts when we got back to Buenos Aires! (after Antarctica)
More on Argentina soon!

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