I’m super excited with how this diy earring display that Hunter and I made turned out! I’ve had jewelry piled up in little dishes and have been desperate to find a way to organize it so I can see what I have and utilize all of my pieces.  

We started with old piece of quarter inch birch wood from Home Depot.  I drew up a sketch of how I wanted it to look and Hunter laid it all out and cut it.  I decided on square 10″ x 10″ but you could really do this any size depending on your space and how many you want to hang. 

He then cut it down with a circular saw – you could also use a table saw or see if the folks at home depot are nice enough to cut it for you 🙂

To get our measurements for the drill holes we laid out some of the different sized earrings for spacing.  I knew I wanted to do smallest to largest so we put the top two rows a little closer together to save room.  Again, just plan this for what you have and how many to want to display! We used a 5/32 drill bit for all of the holes. 

Then he made this base out of an extra piece of oak wood he had.  I was planning to prop it on my dresser or make a little stand for the back but Hunter wanted to go all fancy on me, that’s just the kind of guy he is 🙂  Again, using the table saw he made this groove and cut the sides to the dimensions of the square. Then with some ‘vigorous sanding’ he smoothed all the edges down to make it look smooth and pretty.


Then I meticulously hung all of these guys and got really excited to find a few that I had forgotten about! 

Just in case: the smaller ones on the first two rows are a mix of jcrew, kate spade, madewell, and anthropologie (all older) //  yellow tassels are Forever 21 // the red tassels and silver bon bons are from The Gem Co on Etsy // the beaded tassels are from Bauble Bar 

Happy crafting! 



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