I have been dying to have a moment to photograph, edit, and put this blog post together! Months after finishing our kitchen reno in December I’m so happy to finally share this project! This has been such a refreshing update.  Our house was built in the 1920’s, we purchased it as a foreclosure so it had been sitting vacant for sometime. It needed a lot of help.  Help that you can’t see, like the major things that aren’t fun but necessary for a house to not crumble (all new pipes / plumbing, roofing, drywall…ouch). That is the main reason some of the ‘pretty’ updates took awhile to get underway, that and the fact that in the meantime I got pretty busy with work and had to put things on the back burner.  I’m a little embarrassed at how long I waited to do this considering how easy and fairly inexpensive it was!

Due to the set up of the house we couldn’t really expand it anymore like I wish we could (cue dreamy open kitchen with island in the middle #goals).  The other side of this view is a door way with two load baring walls, on the left side we have the stove and the right side the refrigerator with a door to the laundry room (see in photos below).  So it could be made possible with much more work, maybe one day.   This alone was such a big change and opened everything up substantially considering the small space. It’s exactly how I envisioned it and I’m obsessed.

Read on for some more details on the process or scroll to the bottom for  sources…

I knew I had to have open shelving, my main motivation for beginning was being able to picture this end result! My grandfather made all the shelves, they turned out so beautiful.  Hunter and his friend did the tile backsplash. My grandfather also helped with measuring and coordinating the cabinets and counter top.  We went to a local marble & quartz supplier which was really fun to see all the patterns and colors and pick out my favorite. I’m so grateful for my handy men, we saved A LOT of money since they both can do so much and I didn’t have to think about these small details…just the pretty stuff 🙂

You can’t really see in this window from outside so I decided plants would be perfect for a little more privacy, no need for a curtain really. 

Marble trinkets find their perfect home, finally.

I included this shot to show the doorway…On the right side of the wall we have the fridge and the left side the stove.  The other side of the doorway leads into the dining room. 

I searched everywhere for a brass faucet and finally found this one on Amazon.  I’m in love with it and how the shape adds some modern flare to my otherwise vintagey / eclectic / boho-ness  ðŸ™‚

He’s just cute.

I am obsessed with my nespresso. In a big way.  I love these glass containers with wooden lids from Target for all the capsules and we also use one for our teas.

Again, just because I love him 🙂

I had hoarded all of this beautiful hardware from Anthropologie before we even started the update.  I knew I would use them for something so I began collecting. I had enough to do 4 drawers then 4 different ones for the cabinets.  We had to change plans with the cabinets and ended up going with three. In place of a fourth we got two large drawers.  I debated about the hardware, the ones I had were all sold out at Anthropologie and ultimately I decided that with all the busyness I needed to restart my search and find 10 that were exactly the same (I thought I would need 8 before). After searching high and low for the perfect knobs I went with these from Hobby Lobby and saved so much money. They were only $4.99 each.  I’ll save my Anthro beauties for a fun piece of furniture or maybe for when I can convince Hunter and my grandfather to re-do the bathroom, ha.

Most of my copper is vintage or from thrift stores, I love scoring these little treasures.

I’m pretty pleased with our mug collection of mostly cats and dogs. These are all from Urban Outfitters except the cat print is Leah Reena Goren for Anthropologie and the dog print is from Bark Shop.

It was a last minute decision to hang the mugs. I couldn’t decide if it was too busy but I really didn’t have a good place for them and now I love them like this.  I hung them with brass hooks from Home Depot.  I made hand lettered labels for some of the dry food and put them in mason jars from Target. I need to do more of these! 

Through that door is the laundry room that has another door to the back yard.  This room has come in handy for all of the pet stuff (and is unfortunately somewhat of a ‘junk room’ at this time).  We added a cat door which has worked out perfect for hiding the litter box. Blade fit through it for like a month. lol.   We also have a big shelving unit in there so in case you’re wondering where all of our food is, we keep some canned and boxed items out there.  The bottom drawers on the right are quite large and have some food in them as well. 

Judge me if you want for having a pet on the counter but I think it’s adorable (for photos, not for when you’re trying to cook dinner, lol). Neither of them can stand to leave me alone, especially when something ‘ different ‘ is happening… i.e. taking a million photos in the kitchen which lead them to think they were getting treats I guess, so then they really didn’t want to get out of my way.

And finally…A few sad, hideous before’s.  It was a *beautiful* navy color (yes, the ENTIRE kitchen) with even more *beautiful* unidentified materials for the flooring. Yikes.  We immediately painted it all white with some mint on the panels (not sure why but it was better than navy at least). I used mismatched Anthro knobs and enjoyed these little built in shelves along the window for trinkets. Shortly after we re-did the floor and tried our hardest to match the original 1920’s hard wood that is through the rest of the house.  The tile counter was the worst but this is about the time business was taking off and it’s been non-stop ever since! 

In the first photo below you can see how the tiles starting pulling away from the sink.  The sink is the original farm house style sink, they said it maybe weighs close to 200 pounds. So this was becoming a problem for everything underneath.  My grandfather had noticed it when my family was over visiting and suggested he man the remodel since he needed a project to keep busy. So this was the original reason we started, we HAD to replace the counter top and lower cabinets. That sink is my life and I made everyone plan everything around it because it had to stay.  Then I bet they had no idea I was going to be like “let’s just tear the whole kitchen down because I’ve always wanted open shelving anyways…I mean if we’re doing it let’s DO IT”. They created an animal but there was no going back.  And now we’re all in love with it and so proud of our (mostly) DIY family project kitchen re-model! 

So there you have it, the whole story. And if you’re still reading, thank you. I hope you enjoyed seeing the transformation and find some inspiration here…

I posted some inspiration in this blog post awhile back and I have way to many kitchen photos on this pinterest board and a board for the bungalow along with some things I love (and that I ended up purchasing). I still want to add that runner rug from CB2 and possibly a modern pendant light over the sink. I’m sure more copper trinkets will be collected as well because I can’t resist a good thrift store find!


Lower cabinets: Lowe’s Home Improvement (Installed by my Grandfather) // Tile: Wayfair (and installed by Hunter) // Countertops: Angela’s (Local in Bradenton on US 301) // Shelves: Made by my grandfather // Hardware: Hobby Lobby // Brass Brackets: Wayfair (similar here) // Faucet: Amazon // Cutting Board, Dish Towels, Rug, and Glasses: Ikea // White Bowls, Wire Fruit Basket: Anthropologie // Switch plates / Outlet Covers: Anthropologie // Coffee Maker: Nespresso // Mason Jars, Wooden Lid Canisters, Brass Vase, Black & White Striped Vase: Target // Macrame Plant Hanger: Etsy (love this shop, really good prices for play hangers) // Copper Hammered Bowls: Williams & Sonoma // Marble Utensil Holder and Cutting Boards: Crate & Barrel // Mint Metal Chairs: Anthropologie (copper color available) // Wooden Bowls: Crate & Barrel // If something isn’t listed I either could no longer find it online or it is vintage / thrifted but feel free to ask in the comments. 



  • Nicolette

    I am curious how your counter top meets your original sink. I have a similar sink (but twice as big) and want to do quartz as well.

  • Cynthia

    So beautiful!! and how special that it was a family project!! I am in the middle of a kitchen makeover right now and chose to take down part of the top cabinets and do floating shelves as well. My color palette is very similar, white cabinets with brushed brass hardware and encaustic tile for the backsplash. We did a white oak butcher block for the countertops and want to use similar material for the shelves. What wood did your Grandfather use and where did you find it?

  • Kay

    Congratulations on your re-do! We had a metal cabinet with a similar counter/sink to what you have. Believe it or not, I was too timid + not up to a battle with my husband, to use the counter/sink in our kitchen. Of course, now I have remorse. We ended up selling the whole thing for $100-ish. We have the IKEA farmhouse sink, which is also cool. 😉

  • Natalie

    Very nice.
    What are the names of the plants? The one hanging by the window and the one on the left. Thank you.

  • Rashmi

    Congrats on the new kitchen! Love your faucet – can you share the manufacture’s name? I’ve also been looking everywhere for a brass finish faucet – mid-renovation and running low on time!

  • Natalie

    Hi Shannon or anyone else that might know: What are the names of the two plants on the left side? The one in the white pot and the hanging one? Thank you!


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