Tis the Season! A few festive snaps of holiday decorating around the house!
I love getting a real tree every year and cutting branches off to put in vases around the house. Smells so good in every room.
I didn’t do a ton of decorating because we’ve been renovating the kitchen, started re-doing / fixing the fire place, and trying to clean out for the new year so I wanted to keep things simple (hence why I’m not showing you the full fireplace and stockings because the bottom of the fireplace is currently a disaster and half painted).
And yes, there are 5 stockings…Hunter, myself, and one for each pet. We’re that type. lol. All of which are from Target. I got them last year and much to my delight they had the same ones again this year so I grabbed another for our new (puppy) addition. Must all match, of course.
Pre-decorating mess at the studio aka using everything as props first!
Favorite ornament I picked up this year, a unicorn reindeer from Anthropologie
Sprigs in the kitchen (all hardware and pot holder from Anthropologie)
(brass vase from Target // concrete candle holders old from Anthropologie // brass candle holders are thrift store treasures)
Majority of ornaments: Anthropologie (from over the years!) // Milk & Cookies and Camper Ornament: Land of Nod // Faux Fur tree skirt, stockings, star topper, Blade’s tree hat, and gold bells: Target // Curtains: Urban Outfitters // Gift Wrap: All prints in my shop
Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season!